椅子樂團The Chairs
《The Great Escape Of Our Time》
“So, hacking a satellite The least cool in your file?”
“Gimme Windows 95." "I’ll bring down all the AIs just one night."
"You’ve got time, I’ve got my bike." "My advice? Can’t stay here no more!"
This song is something else – it goes from this lively beat to the banter in the lyrics, creating this whole world and vibe.
It's not just about filming the scripted dialogue; the director writes a script that digs into human nature, and the twist at the end is really clever. The editing, creating this laid-back but complete narrative, has been a soothing escape during my work hours.
The story revolves around a female robot, learning to be a mom since the moment she woke up. It's a simple yet challenging setup – a robot without a heart, figuring out how to grow love. I especially like the design when the character turns into a nanny robot, dressed in a green gown. Green, the color of the heart chakra, symbolizes love and intimacy. In sync with the title "The Great Escape of Our Time," the director takes two freedom-seekers on a rebellious journey sparked by the "secret" between them. The concept of a "secret" brings thoughts of HAL from "2001: A Space Odyssey," depicting secrecy as an art of humanity and a key to true human essence, akin to Kubrick's narrative. In the end, when the robot signals "shush" to the lab assistant, reciprocated with a smile, it not only conveys the friendship between the characters but also witnesses the robot's human side emerging, fulfilling the doctor's dream. The closing scene moved me, thrilled to be part of this heartwarming yet impactful piece.
Director : Roger JC Lee Year : 2023
Editor : Dora Tsai
[ music video ]

「給我⼀台Windows 95」 「我⽤⼀個晚上就能搞垮所有的AI」