"Moonlight" is a captivating and energetic song that tells a story, dedicated to the sleepless kids of Neverland. Its lyrics are like a riddle, initially puzzling but gradually revealing a desire to rediscover the artist's original inspiration, beautifully complemented by the director's script.

The story follows two kids on a treasure hunt, metaphorically representing the universal anxiety artists face during the creative process. It echoes the belief that creativity is a search for treasure, where despite occasional confusion, persistence leads to eventual discovery.

As the music video editor, I embark on a thrilling treasure hunt. Exploring unfamiliar footage sparks curiosity, while discovering hidden gems brings immense satisfaction. One such gem was a serendipitous shot of a jet, adding a charming comic-book touch that resonates with the scene of the protagonists reading comics in the car. Interpreting the photographer's perspective, assessing performances and aesthetics, and experimenting with combinations create unique effects. Collaboration with an amazing team, united by a shared sense of aesthetics, is crucial. Just as the brothers support each other in the music video, remarkable creations require collective effort and interdependence. Editing this MV has been therapeutic, and I aim to convey that healing power to all who watch it.

Director : Roger JC Lee Year : 2023
Editor : Dora Tsai

[ music video ]




