P1 - Metal Golf Ball Lining Tool

P1 是一款由台灣一群熱愛高爾夫球的球友自行研究、開發與製造,並在台灣與日本市場進行銷售的高爾夫球劃線器。


P1 is a premium golf ball liner developed and manufactured by a group of golf enthusiasts in Taiwan.
Unlike other plastic liners on the market, P1 is made of metal, adding to its luxurious feel.

My goal was to create a series of high-quality videos that not only showcase the product's image but also its value and advantages in a way that even non-golfers can understand. Despite limited resources, I utilized lighting, cinematography, and music to create a professional and artistic atmosphere. In the end, I produced one branding video and four instructional videos. It was an honor to provide this passionate group of golfers with a creative solution. I hope these videos will increase the value and appeal of their product.

Director : Dora Tsai
Editor : Dora Tsai

[ commercial ]

Client : P1
Year : 2019