A Deca joins Story
這次的影像紀錄了樂團deca joins第一次登上台北流行音樂中心的過程。
如此巧妙的安排,除了能帶出deca joins奉獻了自己的生命給音樂,也傳達了他們將繼續走下去的感動。
This video captures deca joins' first performance at Taipei Music Center.
I chose to start with their pre-show anxiety and then highlight how they fully enjoyed the stage once they started performing.
This storyline underscores their journey and camaraderie as they celebrate their tenth anniversary.
After the rough edit, director Roger suggested ending with the band picking up their instruments again, symbolizing their ongoing dedication to music. This change added a touching sense of continuity to the documentary.
I've always enjoyed working on documentaries related to creativity, whether it's music, art, or architecture.
It allows me to connect with the intimate thoughts of other creators and find resonance with my own creative journey.
I believe that any form of creation is beautiful.
The process of creating these beautiful works may be painful, but it is through overcoming this pain that unique masterpieces are born.
Director : Roger JC Lee
Editor : Dora Tsai Year : 2024

[ documentary ]